Message from the Chair ...
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 1:42 PM
Subject: Fw: Wimborne Choral Society - new term
Dear Singers,
Happy New Year to you all.
It's time to embark on an exciting new chapter with Colin Davey as our Musical Director! I’m really looking forward to working with everyone as I fully take on the role of Chair, along with Lynnet as Deputy Chair (thanks Marion for all the help and advice).
I’m sending this email to everyone who has sung with us recently (or who I have heard plans to join us), and might be planning to do so again. We hope you will all join us this term, but if not and you don’t want to be included in future mailings, please drop me a quick email back and I’ll take you off this list.
Rehearsals start again this week: Thursday 9th January, 7.30, Wimborne Methodist Church. This term we will be singing Brahms’ ‘German Requiem’ (in English). NB: for those of you who prefer to have your own copy, we’ll be using the New Novello edition.
A reminder of rehearsal & concert dates for this term:
Rehearsal Thurs 09 Jan 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 16 Jan 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 23 Jan 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 30 Jan 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 06 Feb 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 13 Feb 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 27 Feb 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 06 Mar 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 13 Mar 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 20 Mar 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Weds 26 Mar 7.30 METHODIST
Rehearsal Thurs 27 Mar 7.30 MINSTER
TUTTI Sat 29 Mar 1.45? tbc MINSTER
If you haven’t found our website yet ( ), here are links to a few bits that you might find useful to get started. Note that you won’t need any login details/password etc, everything you need is publicly available – ignore the tab ‘Members (login)’, just use the tab ‘Members’.
Wimborne Choral Society Home Page General information and news for the public.
Members News News and general info for members
Rehearsal Resources Links to helpful home rehearsal materials for the current concert (such as Cyberbass)
Full Events Listing Listing of all events from our calendar
Chris’s final concert was a wonderful event (press release attached), and now we look forward to a new, successful and enjoyable future.
I hope to see you all on Thursday,
Lorna Lyons
Rehearsal Schedule Spring Term 2025...
Rehearsals re-start on 9th January 2025 - Wimborne Methodist Church, doors open 7.00pm, singing 7.30pm.
Brahms 'A German Requiem' - sung in English. Book edition 'New Novello'.
We look forward to welcoming Colin Davey as our new Musical Director!
Rehearsals continue: 16, 23, 30 January, 6, 13 February
No rehearsal: 20 February (half-term).
Rehearsals continue: 27 February, 6, 13, 20 March
Concert week rehearsals: Weds 26 March (7.30pm, Wimborne Methodist Church)
Thurs 27 March (7.30pm, Wimborne Minster)
Saturday 28th March TUTTI (1.30pm? tbc, Wimborne Minster)
Concert Saturday 29th March - Wimborne Minster, 7.30pm.
Celebration Lunch 26th October…
On Saturday 26th October a lovely event was enjoyed by all. The sun shone as we looked out across the beautiful Cranborne Chase from Horton Village Hall, and tucked into a delicious ‘bring and share’ lunch.
Current choir members were joined by former members and friends, as well as some of our regular accompanying musicians and soloists, to celebrate 47 years with Christopher Dowie at the helm of our choir, as he approaches his retirement. We also took the opportunity to mark the end of Marion Brown’s long and brilliant tenure as Chair of the Society.
Between the courses, tributes and thanks were offered, presents were given and memories shared. Finally, we cut (and consumed!) the lovely cake made specially for the occasion.
Thanks to Liz and Diana for the photos - see below for a selection.
Older News
Notes from Chris (originally sent by e-mail 16 Sept 2024) …
Subject: Auditions and AGM
Good morning everyone. We have made an excellent start to this term and it has been good to see a good number at the two rehearsals we have had so far. It is also good to see a number of returning members, some of which have been away from the fold for quite a while. Welcome back!
Three things:-
1. A reminder that we are auditioning three would-be Directors this coming Thursday (19th). Please be seated by 19h15 so that we can start promptly at 19h30. The candidates will have 30 minutes each so we can’t afford to lose any time.
2. This coming Saturday (21st) is our Workshop Day at St.Nicholas Church, Corfe Mullen – 30 Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen, WIMBORNE, Dorset. BH21 3LE
Here’s the timetable:-
9.30am – 10.00am Registration
10.00–11.15 am : Session I
11.15am–11.45am : Coffee/Tea and biscuits
11.45am–1.00pm : Session II
1.00pm–2.15pm : Lunch (not provided)
2.15pm–4.00pm : Session III
4.00pm–4.30pm : Coffee/Tea and biscuits
4.30pm–5.30pm : Final Sing Through
Marion has asked me to remind you to bring your lunch and perhaps a cake or sausage rolls or something for the afternoon Tea. Also, please make sure that you have told your voice Rep that you are coming – You’ll all be there of course – a great opportunity to get inside the piece and we need all the rehearsal time we can get for it!
3. The AGM is on Thursday 26th September at St.Catherine’s Church, Wimborne – 4, Lewens Lane, WIMBORNE, Dorset. BH21 1LE
A reminder that the meeting is timed as 7 o’clock for 7.30
Please find attached “Come and Sing” Poster and Recruitment Poster – It is still not too late for people to come next Saturday so do encourage all your friends. Likewise let’s get a great audience for my Swan Song! I will send you a poster for that when they are available.
Christopher Dowie : 16.09.24
Notes from Marion (originally sent by e-mail 2 Sept 2024) …
Hello Everyone!
Welcome back to a new and exciting term.
Formalities first:
26th September 2024
St Catherine’s Church 7.00pm
You are all cordially invited to attend WCS’s Annual General Meeting on 26th September at 7.00pm
This is a very important meeting, especially so this year, and I very much hope that all of you will attend.
If, for any reason, you are unable to be there, please give your apologies to your Voice Representative.
I shall shorty be sending you copies of the Agenda, the Minutes of the AGM 2023, and the Treasurer’s Report for 2023/24
Just to remind you, we hold our AGM at St Catherine’s because we have a raffle, which is not permitted in the Methodist Church if it involves alcohol, and our raffles usually do. Contributions will be gratefully received, but please bring them on the night, not before.
This will be my last AGM as Chairman of WCS, and I shall be standing down after 20 years in the role, although I shall continue as Librarian for the time being.
This term will be one of firsts and finals. It is Chris’s final term as our Musical Director and we all know what a loss that will be to the choir, but is also when we will appoint our new MD. The Auditions for the post will take part on 19th September, our third rehearsal of the term, and I hope that everyone will be there. While you will not actually be voting, you will have the opportunity to record your preferences at the end of the evening and taking these into account, the final decision will be made by the Sub Committee who selected and interviewed the candidates, and who will let you, and the successful candidate, know the result as soon as possible.
We have some beautiful music for our final concert with Chris: Mozart’s Requiem and Choruses from Bach’s B Minor Mass. While most of you are familiar with the Mozart, the same is not necessarily true for the Bach. Even if you have sung it before, it is not easy, and I would really hope that you take the opportunity of being at the Come and Sing which Chris will lead at St Nicholas Church, Corfe Mullen on 21st September. It is free for all of you and will give you a good foundation for learning or refreshing this great work.
Looking forward to seeing you all on 5th September
Notes from Chris (originally sent by e-mail 2 Sept 2024) …