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This section contains news and information that members may find useful,
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Forthcoming Dates …
5th September 2024       Rehearsals re-start 
19th September 2024     Audition Reheasals (New Musical Director: 3 candidates)
21st September 2024      Workshop Choruses from Bach's B Minor Mass
(Open To Non-Members, Free To Members) 
30th November 2024      Concert "A journey Through Mozart and Bach"

Notes from Chris (originally sent by e-mail June 2024) …
May I remind you of the following plans for next term:-

      Thursday 5th September - Rehearsals begin in Wimborne Methodist Church - 7.30 to 9.30. There  will then be 10 further Thursday rehearsals, and 1 Wednesday rehearsal, but please note the following:-
            The rehearsal on 19th September will be shared by our three would-be WCS auditionees.
            There will be no rehearsal on Thursday 26th September when we will have our AGM at St.Catherine's Church, Wimborne.
            There will also be no rehearsal at Half Term on Thursday 31st October.

      On Saturday 21st September there will be a Workshop Day when we will explore Bach's B minor Mass. We hope that a number of singers from other choirs will join us but the point of this day is to give Wimborne Choral Society a chance of becoming as well-acquainted as possible with the movements we are likely to be performing in our concert on 30th November:-
            The opening “Kyrie”.
            The first movement of the “Gloria”.
            Possibly “Cum Sancto Spiritu” following “Quoniam tu solus sanctus” (Bass solo).

      Incidentally, for those of you who wish to have their own copies of the music for November, here are the details:-
            Bach - Mass in B minor – BWV 232 - Bärenreiter Edition.
            Mozart – Requiem – K 626 - Bärenreiter Edition.

      I know this is an imposition but it will really pay off if there is as full an attendance as possible of Wimborne Choral Society members.

Older News
Workshop Rehearsal Sat 13th April 'A Song For St Cecilia'…

Summer Term Rehearsals Start soon …

Click here for details of Summer Concert Saturday 29th June
Files and links for practice are available on the 'Rehearsal Resources & Links' page.
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Copyright © 2024 Wimborne Choral Society